
Jason of Escape Adulthood

An Inconvenient & Unappetizing Truth 🏋️‍♀️

Published 19 days ago • 3 min read

2024 Issue #17 🏋️‍♀️

Happy Sunday, Reader!

The truth will set you free.

Unfortunately, it's rarely convenient and often appears unappetizing.

I was moderating a panel on work-life balance for a group of engineers. Four experienced veterans were sharing insights to help these future leaders achieve a new level of growth. The following morning, with the panelists gone, I facilitated a discussion about what was shared the evening before. I asked for examples of advice that resonated as well as any sentiments they disagreed with.

One young man raised his hand and admitted, "I guess I was disappointed that the answer to better life balance always seemed to be 'to delegate.' I wish there were other ideas given."I smiled, acknowledging that delegation was a consistent theme from the panel. The reason for the emphasis on delegation wasn't because the panelists were lazy and didn't want to think any more about it, or that they were withholding the real answer to maintain their lofty status. It's because it was the best answer. The most useful one. The one guaranteed to have the biggest difference.

It's also the hardest.

Delegation is a difficult skill to master. Knowing how to ask for what you need, set and manage expectations, and provide guidance without micromanaging is nowhere close to easy. It's even more challenging if you are a perfectionist and loathe giving up control (as most of these overachievers were). But, to get to the next level of their career and maintain some semblance of balance, delegation is the master key.

It's just not a very appetizing answer.

It's like asking one hundred experts how to lose weight and being disappointed that the answer repeated again and again was "eat less and exercise more." It's the best answer, but also very hard.

Dissatisfied, we are compelled to search for another answer, something faster and easier. We can usually find an "expert" who will tell us what we want to hear, the secret that can be had for three easy payments. It's one reason pharmaceutical companies have grown so rich and powerful: they know we can't resist the lure of a pill to solve all our problems.

So what about you?

What transformation would you most like to achieve? What's the biggest challenge in your life right now? What obstacle do you want to overcome?

Shed fifty pounds?

Find a more fulfilling job?

Finally write that book?

Turn that side hustle into a real business?

Achieve more balance in your life?

What's the secret to making it happen? The secret is that you probably already know the answer. (Or at least how to begin.)

And it's not very appetizing. It's difficult. Slow. Boring.

Sure, you could keep looking for something easier, quicker, or sexier.

Or you could save yourself a lot of time and just get to work.

The truth will set you free.

🤔 I wonder...what unappetizing truth do you most need to accept to move forward and grow? Hit reply to share your thoughts with me, or join the conversation in the Escape Adulthood League!

Stay young and stay fun,


Tickets for Wonder Weekend are now on sale!!! 🎟️ This includes Wondernite on Fri, Sep 13th, which is open to everyone, and the members-only Wonder & Whimsy Society Family Reunion on Sat Sep 14th. Last year, Wondernite completely sold out, so don't wait too long to get your ticket! (Curious about joining the Wonder & Whimsy Society? Reply to this email and I'll share a secret link.)

Wondernite Tickets On Sale! 🌙

Friday, September 13th
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Reserve your spot for an extraordinary evening of art, food & storytelling!

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Jason of Escape Adulthood

I am a professional reminder-er and permission granter who moonlights as an artist, author, and speaker. I enjoy Star Wars, soft t-shirts, and brand new tubes of paint. My wife Kim and I homeschool our three weird kids and live in Wisconsin, where we eat way too many cheese curds.

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